Wednesday, February 23, 2011



My Area of study is defined as gangs. we are learning about what they would do and how they are. The  gangs are oppressive because they always harm people and scare. They’re many organization. They like to get money and sell illegal things. other people are scared of this type of oppression because other gangs come and shoot or kill. The reaction by going and killing some one from the other gang. They get guns and shoot bullets. I don’t have any connections.      


our school would be safe without this oppression. Upa students would feel safe st school. if free from the danger of gangs Oakland schools would be liberate and would be safer. We would have less gang experience and hearing gun fires. Our students and teachers would experience joy by not hearing or seeing gangs.

Action Plan

Our school can gain liberation from these forms of oppression by not letting kids into gangs and still go to school. Another way we can reach liberation is not getting involved with gangs. The schools need to teach kids not to join gangs. In order to be liberated the schools can teach people of what kids do after school. The school can incorporate by not being next to gang streets. we must not let kids be in gangs. The school need to watch everyone suspicious that go in the school.

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